Surfing the waves of change
The BLUE planet offers surfing. Oceans of energy ready for you to dive in
to and mount up on. Ski, swim, paddle, surf, all the opportunites to show
your ab...
How to Tell Your Child that He/She has ASD
Receiving the news that your child has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) is an event that can invoke a whirlwind of emotions for
All I Want is Better Disability Representation
By Dom Evans Better representation of disability is a major key to gaining
acceptance for us. FULL STOP. Read that again. When representation of
Farewell to Steve Silberman
For those who don’t know, Steve Silberman passed away recently. I’ve been
trying to find a good way to write about his passing here. Steve wrote
Farewell to Steve Silberman
For those who don’t know, Steve Silberman passed away recently. I’ve been
trying to find a good way to write about his passing here. Steve wrote
Speech Apraxia and Autism Misbehavior
Is it true? Could tantrums, "... in large part be intrinsic to autism and
not driven by developmental processes, such as language." Is it important?
Can Pressure Washing Remove Paint From a Surface?
Do you think about if using pressure washing can really take off paint from
Pressure washing is strong for cleaning, but whether it can remove ...
Social Story of Autism
Exploring the Social Story of Autism The Social Story of Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication
and s...
The Unlikely Village of Eden A Memoir
Note: I read this memoir over the Summer. It plunged me back into the early
days of my daughters' diagnoses. The chaos, the never ending worry, the
fierce ...
Goodbye and God Bless, Gail Kastorf
I learned today that autism support guru Gail Kastorf, has died. My heart
hurts hearing this because Gail was my very first support group leader.
Gail was ...
Fall Home Decorating
Autumn is the time of year in which you can literally smell the changes.
Leaves are burning, peanuts are roasting, and most people are just
beginning to ...
Theory Of Mind and Autism
A relatively new hypothesis in the field of autism has been labeled ‘Theory
of Mind.’ This idea has received much attention, including a recent book in
The Struggle is Real (feat. Amy Kelly) S3E22
This week’s guest is Amy Kelly. Amy Kelly is the mother of Danny, Annie,
and Ryan. Her daughter Annie is diagnosed with moderate to severe autism,
CBD oil: Uses and health benefits
CBD is one of the most popular and natural remedy which can allow you to
have a lot of common ailments. CBD has over 100 natural compounds which can
be f...
Permission to Fail
We've talked before about giving ourselves permission ...wait...have we
talked about this? Permission to be late, for example? Dammit. Lemme
A Call to Honor
This morning I started thinking about the loss of even the discussion of
“honor.” It seems to have been removed from the American lexicon. Being
raised i...
Language abilities in autistic speakers
Canadian researchers suggest “not getting” some things need not keep those
with autism from using language well. It had been assumed many individuals
with ...
worship outside
Still drowning in boxes. Not quite able to cook. We weren't ready to do
church on Sunday morning. We decided to worship in the mountains instead.
Medical Management For Varicose Veins
Varicose veins can be a huge cosmetic issue for a lot of individuals. Most
particularly if it has become swollen and snaking though underneath the
Manuel Casanova's new book
I'm pleased to announce that neuroscientist and autism researcher Manuel
Casanova has a new book out. Dr. C is a neuroscientist who has done
research on po...
Useful Tips For An Annual Roof Inspection
The roof is probably one of the most important parts of your house since it
plays an essential role in protecting your family against extreme weather
Time to blog .... catching up!
Believe it or not, I am back - at least for a while.. there have been so
many changes in our lives since I last blogged, but I am now finding time
with my...
I started using Young Living Oils years ago.
I like them but I don't sell them.
I have had people contact me within the last couple of years trying to get ...
2018-2019 Flu Vaccine Risks Facts
Flu Vaccine Risks & Benefits The Children’s Health Defense is concerned
that the risk of harm to you and your family that can result from getting a
flu v...
2018-2019 Flu Vaccine Risks Facts
Flu Vaccine Risks & Benefits The Children’s Health Defense is concerned
that the risk of harm to you and your family that can result from getting a
flu v...
5 Noise Cancelling Headphones for Autism
People on the autism spectrum usually have one or more sensory issues. Mine
happens to be a sensitivity to sounds, especially bass. Because of this
I’ve ...
Happy 10th Birthday, Keeghan!!!
Happy Birthday, Keeghan! Today you are 10 years old. It's hard to believe
that I have no more babies, no more small children. As excited as you were
to h...
The Vaccine Revolution for Truth
Posted 4/20/2017
*By Barbara Loe Fisher*
*Revolution for Truth Rally | March 31, 2017 | Washington, D.C.*
*To activate and view hyperlinked references,...
"It's November!" The Chef exclaims as he rushes in the door, the wind
gusting around him as his 1:1 aid trails close behind. "I want to talk to
Mom. Mom...
Looking for Bloggers!
Now that our new website is live, we are looking to get our blog up and
going again! If sharing your thoughts, ideas, and opinions for the autism
Thoughts on A World Without Down’s Syndrome?
We watched the documentary prenatal screening and the reduction in people
being born with Down Syndrome (DS) presented by Sally Phillips.
Below is a short c...
First blog post
This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it,
or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you
started t...
My Godson
Hi! Thank you for your input and advice. My Godson goes to an Excellent
interdistrict school. He is mainstreamed and just got 2nd honors. He has
services a...
Never Miss a Moment
Recently I took Eric to a local indoor water park for a few hours. He
loved it. I had a few very interesting social observations.
One of the most obviou...
Notes on autism and assisted dying
In the *Carter* decision, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the
existing prohibition against physician-assisted dying, and gave the
Canadian governme...
Really ,seriously, sincerely is there and anthropologist in the house?
A letter to the anthropology department at Ohio State University.
The Ohio State U...
Firefighters all the time
Parker is going to be a firefighter for Halloween again this year. Here a
few pics of him visiting fire stations lately. At least it will be easy
finding h...
[HOW-TO] Be More Compassionate (An Autism Story)
This is a story about autism… on Broadway! I follow a page that recently
shared a post about a mother who brought her beautiful Prince to one of
your shows...
September Sucks.
September Sucks
Sure, it’s the month that marks the end of summer. That sucks. But in my
world September means nothing but death. Plain and simple. D...
"Be Your Way"
The following is a Facebook status written by my wife about an experience
she had recently at an area Burger King.
A little context here... This particula...
Disability and Discrimination: A Children's Story
I read this story by Carrie Ann Lucas
(shared by Amy Sequenz...
Five Year Anniversary: A Renewed Spirit
Five years ago yesterday some friends were victims of a home invasion. Two
armed men invaded their house at dinner time. The couple had three
children. The...
Not a fan of Pan
At a recent hearing on SB277 State Senator Block asked if the CDC or AMA
had data about the probability or likelihood of large or huge outbreaks
Beach Novel While Not on the Beach
It's spring break and I'm reading a literary beach novel while not on the
beach, *The Moonstone* by Wilkie Collins, a Year 10 Amblesideonline free
read. Se...
Snot on my scrubs
If I worked in a traditional medical office, snot on my scrubs would
probably be normal. But I’m an office manager in an eye clinic. Snot is not
a part of ...
Autism and the Teenager
He turned 13 this week. A teenager now. Oh My God. How did this happen? On
one hand, I feel like it was yesterday when he was born, then diagnosed at
B2B; Friend to friend
Reid has hired Joel Anderson to design Coloring Pages for each of the songs
on his Purple Party CD. Free downloadable pages for kids and adults who
like to...
The sibling connection
Lately conversations with Alvin's little sister Elliot have gotten a little
more serious. She has started to ask more questions about why Alvin is the
way ...
Welcome to!
If you’re still on my old autism blog, Embracing Chaos, I invite you to hop
on over here. You should find all the old posts and comments you’ve enjoy
or ma...
The End of the Beginning
Last month marked an autism anniversary of sorts in that my twin daughters
turned ten years old. When they were born ten years ago I knew almost
nothing a...
Retail therapy
My middle guy is now a high school freshman! (Yikes!) One of the many new
things he’s doing is the high school percussion ensemble. And what did this
American Racism
The problem is that the same level of outrage shown by the NYPD for the
murder of two of its officers was not shown for the killing of Mr. Garner.
That hyp...
Good God, It’s a Twizzler
I’ve got a non-compliant toddler in the house. Not sure where she gets
that from. It’s probably my fault. I’m tired. All the time. She’s very
smart. ...
December 2014 Autism Conferences
December 2014 autism conferences will be held in states across the nation
including Maine, California, Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Texas, Vermont,
Oh, the guilt...
The music post, part two...
Jimmy's love of music continues to grow exponentially. I am sitting next
to him - he has my phone and is on YouTube watching F...
Ars Brevis
This warm September afternoon, Joy was playing on the computer. She's come
a long way from the "click and pull" revelation of January-before-last, to
the ...
How to Select an Autism Homeschool Curriculum
This is the time of year that I get the most requests for advice on how to
homeschool children on the autism spectrum. Sometimes it is from parents
who ...
Dr. Tony Attwood on dealing with Bullying
As a part of the Aspie Mentor panel discussion at the June 2014 Flying High
with Autism Conference (Pensacola, FL), Dr. Attwood SKYPED in his comments
Under construction! :)
For real! ;) All posts are in private mode right now because I am rewriting
and changing a lot of crap here. It’ll be back soon. Just a little
different. T...
Guardianship for ASD Adults
Article Content
[image: Silhouette of adult holding child's hand in front of sunset.]
Image Size:
Regular Size
Exclude from Sidebar:
As a paren...
Well, Summer is finally kicking into full gear here. I think Miss Katie is
confused as to why she is just home and not going to school at all. She is
Bye Bye Blog
[image: Computer Keyboard]Over the next week or so, you may notice a change
on this Parenting Special Needs site. Soon the pages here will
When Autism Support Groups Aren't Supportive
You'd think that autism support groups would be a haven to parents. And
sometimes they are. But the reality is that kids with autism are very,
very dif...
Josiah’s Fire
Hello. Well, there’s still a lot of good stuff on this blog, but it’s dusty
and outdated. Since I last posted here, much has happened with Josiah. He
is co...
Really, it's Great to have a Teen with Autism!
As these frustrating, challenging, and often rewarding teen years pass with
Casey, I try to reflect on the "rewarding" part more than anything. You
know th...
California and the new “polio”
Age of Autism has an absolutely superb article on the new “Polio-like”
cluster of outbreaks in California. I highly recommend you taking a look.
You ca...
Happy Birthday Mom
Today was my Mom's birthday. It's been two months since she passed away
and I still can't believe it. It doesn't feel real, yet it is. I've been
On the subject of red asses
*Disclaimer: This post is not actually about red asses.*
Today I'm walking from my car to my client's office, and I pass a man on
the corner who asks me if...
Daily Visitors
UB has visitors multiple times each day from Austin, Coppell and Keller. We
are glad you’re here, and we hope you’re learning a little more about who
John Gilmore Feeds the Lies About Autism
This is what happens when corrupt "leaders" in the autism community play
stupid games instead of being honest. Now, these corrupt imbeciles are
still enc...
The summer cold is here :(
This week I have run into so many people who are sniffling, coughing,
froggy and just plain miserable with the summer cold. The good news is that
relief is...
Jaymes loves Halo
We've had horses for years, and for years I've tried to get Jaymes
interested. He never was until we got our Thoroughbred, Buddy, a few years
ago. He loved...
Bigger & Far WORSE Than Watergate…
What Obama did, allowed to happen or caused on his watch is making America
look worse than ever. Not just to the world stage but to Americans. This is
the ...
News Flash, no time off.......
My kids are both in school full time now. I spent many a pre-k days wiping
buts and watching Dora reruns, praying for the day that both of my kids
were i...
Fostering in Bradford can Answer a Call for Help
A startling 7,500 children on any given day can be in foster care across
Yorkshire and Humberside. Each year more and more children enter foster
care or re...
Discounted App Listings
[image: iAutism]The good folks at have a nice comprehensive
list of sale apps that can be found at : app listing
What are you doing? a cute film about Autism
This short film was put together by Autism Awareness Australia. It
approaches education about Autism through the eyes of brothers, sisters and
friends of...
Jan 3, Dan Marino Camp in Florida
Both of my children have Autism. They have attended DMC for about 4 years.
This is a great camp for special needS children. They provide a well rounded
*photo credit-Tim Green*
*creative commons license*
Life is full of so many milestones for your kids-the first time they roll
over, crawl, and talk. Som...
Thanksgiving 2012
This year's Thanksgiving was memorable to put it mildly. We invited my
dad and sister to visit. My sister
also brought her two very large dobermans. Th...
Autism Dad: Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving eve – San Diego, CA. Ben’s still in his PJs. Just now he
ripped off his top and planted himself on a tree trunk. He’s sitting there
as I write...
Laundry Etiquette By YuckMouth Daddy
My laundry mat opens up at 6:30 am, so when my alarm goes off at 6 am I’m
up and getting my stuff together to go do...
It's Me Again!
Yes I know, you thought I'd dropped off the edge of the earth. Well I'm
back in more ways than one. I'm about to return to full time employement in
the rea...
Clinic Notes: Autism In India
Neuroplasticity in the Autistic Brain
An astonishing new science called "neuroplasticity" is overthrowing the
centuries-old notion that the human brain is immutable. In this
revolutionary l...
Trumpet Parent Support Meeting
If you are a Southern California parent, draw your attention here! will be co-hosting another parent support group meeting,
with 2 guest spe...
I'm So Out of Practice That This Post Has No Title
They say the third time's the charm. I guess we'll find out. Because, after
a bit over a year hiatus, I have decided to come back to blogging. When I
God Will Help Me Break Through
I want to start a child care service for children who have autism. I'm
trying to figure out how to advertise the service. I don't know what your
area is ...
Great Gluten-Free Vegan Eats
[image: Great Gluten-Free Vegan Eats]Delicious food you can feel good
about!Following a plant-based, gluten-free diet is one of the healthiest
lifestyle ch...
Our son with autism is an expert at making people smile. He has mastered
the art so well that he can often get others to smile at times when they
should d...
I Just Felt Like Running
*Running is the answer to every question.*
*~ Judith Ursitti *
Random blog post I know, but Happy Running Day! For you non-runners out
there, please, plea...
Real Wedding Inspiration: Bennie & Maryke
Photographer: Yolandé Marx
Photographer's snippet: There was a massive storm on its way and I’ve
always wanted to photograph lightning but have never bee...
Living Autism Memorial
On Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, my pastor asked all the veterans to
stand and be recognized. I found myself standing as the sole young woman
among doze...
Mini Raving
My baby Harrison (who is 5 yo) has been really sick. You know, the kind
where you can’t get the fever down to keep the water down to keep the
medicine down...
Curtis is 7 years old and turning 8 in January. *He is diagnosed with
classic autism and ADHD combined type (Hyperactivity and Attention
Deficit).* His ho...
Gluten Free Recipes
Favorites in the Huy Household:
Chocolate Chip Muffins
Graham Crackers
Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Chip Cookies - NOTE: if you choose not to use their flo...
What I Did This Summer
My summer began late in May when my parents came back from their annual
winter trip to California. They stayed longer this year because my dad was
not fee...
Wow, it's working!
Well, we started using the tickets today. I was really expecting a lot of
pushback when we limited Michael's computer time. But, he really surprised
me by ...
GFCF Cooking Together: Learning Can be Fun!
GFCF Cooking Together: Learning Can be Fun!
The kitchen is a natural learning environment. From organizing ingredients,
to creating lists, and teaching ba...
Everything Upside Down!
*Lately K.C. has wanted everything turned upside down. Dishes, cups, toys
etc. must be turned upside down after he's finished with them. Tonight Diet
Pictures from Your Healing Retreat 2011
Below you will find pictures from the very first annual Your Healing
Retreat! Simply click on the image to see a larger version.
All About Tig Welders for Sale
Tig welders, one of the most efficient and useful *welder* in the industry
saw many growths and when you consider the history of welding, this welder
had p...
Voice your opinion Tuesday!
All of us here at Sensory World would like to have a voice your opinion
Tuesday! We realize we carry tons of great resources for you to choose
from, but we...
Make a Microloan for 6-yr old Christian's Health!
This loan has been disbursed! First Posted: April 30, 2010 Name: Christian
Age: 6 years old Location: Washington, USA Diagnosis: Autism Loan Sought:
Mumps Jeryl Lynn strain: There are more than ten mumps vaccine strains
have been used throughout the world, such as Jeryl Lynn, Urabe, Hoshino,
Homemade "Larabars"
There is some sorta saying that necessity is the mother my
case...creation. We have embarked, fairly recently, on a new diet for the
whole ...
We have made a brand new blog! Please come check us out here:
We will no longer be posting to this blog. So don't forget to...
Not Alone
Most of the time, we like to be right. We like that feeling of validation
when something goes the way we thought it would. But there are, of course,
times ...
Life Update
Just wanted to make a quick post here to tell the readers I still have
where I've been.
End of September/early October, my dad, brother and I moved out of ...
Autistic with spoons
Autistic with spoons? Autism and spoons? Here’s my attempt at a variation
on the spoon theory.
We all have spoons. There are no stereotypes for spoons. Eve...
Pweshes Philosophy on Autism
I do not see autism as a permanent disability but rather a permanent
Autistic children are not inferior to typical children. They may lack some...
Recess Stinks
An articulate friend with autism is not very happy. She doesn’t like
recess. Most fifth graders love recess and lunch, but this youngster does
not. Interes...
How Does My Kid's Brain Work??
In trying to set up a collection of homeschool goals, I needed to consider
my child's strengths and weaknesses.
It sounds easy, doesn't it?
He's good at...
It’s been about three months since I lasted posted here that I’d be
blogging about INSAR’s International Meeting For Autism Research (IMFAR).
In case you m...
Why Einstein Made It and My Child Can’t
If you have been in this field for a while you must have heard the Einstein
analogy at some point. “Einstein didn’t talk until he was 5 and he ended up
What if he’s not?
I’ve realised something lately. I’ve been convincing myself that my
austistic son is gifted. I repeatedly tell myself how smart and clever he
is and perhap...
New Approach To Autism
According to Dr. Martha Herbert, assistant professor in neurology at
Harvard Medical School, told CBC News that the study opens up a new way of
thinking ab...
I'm moved!
I'm making the move to Wordpress. You can find me here. (If that link won't
redirect you, try this url: It will
take a ...
Happy New Year! (Yes...I am still here...)
My apologies for having fallen off the map here. I've had some personal
issues going on, and finding the time and energy, let alone the thought
process, t...
It sure has been a long journey, but we are glad to announce that the Open
Mic For Autism website is now fully operational!
Please visit www.openmicautism....
The Evolution of Morning Circle Time
Raise your hand! No one raises their hand. What month is it? Someone
wiggles to the floor. Put the card up there. He walks away with the card.
Come sit dow...
The Game of Tag
*4 Jobs I've Had*
Helper at OB/GYN doctor's office
Receptionist at Learning Resource Center at BYU
Public Relations Specialist at Nu Skin Enterprises
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