Monday, November 16, 2009

Green Vaccines Oregon Ballot Initiative

Make a donation to this cause here. Oregon has been selected as the first state for attempted passage.

Source: A Simple Plan by By Kent Heckenlively, Esq.
Proposal Ideas and Areas for Inclusion in Green Vaccine Bill

1. Research/Testing

a. Opening the Vaccine Safety Database to Independent Researchers - Compel the state of Oregon to petition the federal government to assist in the return of the records of the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) files concerning childhood vaccination records from private industry and to make them available to independent researchers to determine the possible links between increased vaccinations and autism and other neurological disorders. (Background: In approximately 2004 the CDC turned over the VSD developed at taxpayer expense to a private agency, America’s Health Insurance Plans, which has denied access to medical researchers.)

b. Unvaccinated Children – Oregon Department of Health must conduct an independent study of unvaccinated children in Oregon and compare their rates of ASD, asthma, diabetes, and food allergies to vaccinated children.

c. Aluminum Research – Oregon Department of Health must study the safety of using aluminum in vaccines (presuming mercury now banned) and either certify its safety or warn parents through disclosure of any ongoing safety issues. (Aluminum was “grandfathered” into vaccines and has never undergone safety testing.)

2. Disclosure/Informed Consent

a. Comparison of CDC recommended schedules to vaccines required to attend school in Oregon.

b. Comparison of CDC, Oregon vaccine schedules with schedules from first world countries in Western Europe, as well as a comparison of child mortality and rates of autism and other neurological disorders among the differing groups.

c. Explanation of philosophical, religious, and medical exemptions to vaccinations.

d. Explanation of “Vaccine Precautionary Principles” for pediatricians and parents to consider in administering vaccines.

e. Disclosure of any and all toxic ingredients in vaccines, including aluminum and mercury, as well as levels and comparison to EPA/FDA safety standards, and whether such safety testing has been done or the ingredient has been “grandfathered” into the vaccine, which means full safety testing has not been done.

f. Disclosure of death rates from vaccine-preventable diseases.

3. Banning

a. Thimerosal Ban for Children and Pregnant Women - Vaccines given to Oregon children and pregnant women must be 100% free from Thimerosal (a mercury-based preservative also used in manufacturing) with absolutely no exceptions. This includes a ban on the use of thimerosal in manufacturing of the vaccines.

b. Flu Shot Ban for Pregnant Women - Flu shots have NOT been safety-tested or
approved by the FDA for use in pregnant women. Oregon must abide by this lack of approval from the FDA and ban the flu shot for pregnant women.

c. Simultaneous Administration Ban - Vaccines have never been tested or approved by the FDA to be co-administered. The new law will allow only one vaccine to be administered per pediatric visit. A minimum of one week must be observed between vaccines.

d. Premature Birth Vaccine Ban - Vaccines have not been safety-tested for premature infants. Any child born premature may not receive a vaccine until they reach a minimum age of 6 months.

e. Infant Vaccine Ban – An Oregon child may not receive any vaccines until they reach a minimum age of 3 months.

4. Changes to Existing Law

a. Addition of Philosophical Exemption to Vaccination - The addition to Oregon law of a philosophical exemption to vaccination as currently allowed in Arizona, Arkansas, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin.

b. Reduction in Required Vaccines – Reduce the number of required vaccines in Oregon to attend school to the following list: DTaP, polio, MMR, and HiB.

c. Future Vaccine Addition Threshold – No future vaccines may be added to the required list by the Oregon Department of Health unless at least 50% of the 30 countries in the first world (see attached list) have added the vaccine to their country’s schedule first.

d. “Precautionary Principles” Guidelines - The Oregon Department of Health will develop a list of precautionary principle guidelines for safe vaccine administration to be shared with all healthcare professionals and to be disclosed to all Oregon parents. The guidelines from Japan can serve as a helpful example.

e. Restriction of National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act of 1986 to Strict Liability for Unavoidably Unsafe Products – The state of Oregon and the Oregon Attorney General will take the position that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act of 1986 (NCVICA) does not preempt design defect claims and that those who claim vaccine injury due to design defects can bring their case in the traditional civil court system and be accorded the rights of full discovery against all parties, including pharmaceutical companies and the federal government. The state of Oregon will take the position that plaintiffs need only bring their action under NCVICA if the injurious side-effects of the particular vaccine were unavoidably unsafe under the meaning of strict liability as found in Section 402A, comment k of the Restatement (Second) of Torts. The state of Oregon and the Oregon Attorney General will actively assist Oregon plaintiffs in these efforts. (For further explanation of what’s intended, please refer to the unanimous decision of the Georgia Supreme Court in American Home Products Corporation v. Ferrari, 284 Ga. 384, 668 S.E.2d 236, 2008 WL 4452358 (Ga.))

f. Vaccinations and Military Personnel - Given that a recently released 452 page Congressional report found that approximately 25% of U.S. Gulf War veterans (173,000 service members) suffer from Gulf War Syndrome and the illness resulted from some combination of chemicals, anti-nerve gas vaccinations, and possibly multiple vaccinations given in a short period of time, the state of Oregon will urge the federal government to allow citizens of Oregon serving in the United States military/Reserve United States Military/Oregon Guard and their families to either decline vaccination or choose an alternative vaccination schedule.

5. Consumer/Parental Choice

a. Choice of Aluminum and Formaldehyde Free Vaccines – Parents will have the option of getting aluminum and formaldehyde free vaccines for their children for an additional cost.

b. Choice of a Different Vaccination Schedule from First World Countries – Parents will be given the option of choosing a different vaccination schedule from the top 20
industrialized countries after examining their rates of child mortality and neurological disorders.

c. Choice of Getting a Titer check before Vaccination - Prior to giving a booster shot for the MMR and Varicella vaccines, titers must be checked by a pediatrician to see if immunity has already been achieved.

d. Choice of a Test Screening for Mitochondrial Disorders before Vaccination - Prior to a first vaccination, children must be screened for mitochondrial disorders. If any are present, an alternative vaccination schedule must be developed with the doctor and parent/guardian.

e. Choice of Dividing the MMR Vaccination into Individual Doses – The state of Oregon will demand of the pharmaceutical companies that they give parents a choice of breaking the MMR shot into individual shots (measles, mumps, rubella) so they can be given over a period of time, in addition to the single MMR shot.

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