Monday, September 12, 2011

The Seizure is Coming, The Seizure is Coming

The Seizure is Coming, The Seizure is Coming

I feel like Paul Revere around here on many days. Like so many kids withautism, my daughter has seizures. As if autism in general was not enough, seizures add a whole new level of worry about going out in public and especially with activities like SWIMMING. You have to be on guard 24/7 and know that even then one day, that might not be enough.

In our case, the seizures never happen in the morning. This is a good thing since we can plan certain activities for the morning (swimming, flying on airplane, etc). 3 PM is about the earliest that we have seen one in a long long time. The amount of sleep she gets is also a factor. With all of this in mind, I have been playing around some with trying to statistically determine our odds of a seizure on any given day. I am not really sure what I am doing, but plan to give it a try. I am going to track number of hours and quality of sleep as well.

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