A new one for the "might cause Autism" list ... IMMIGRATION. Specifically in this study, immigrating to Sweden.
"This is an intriguing discovery, in which we can see strong links between a certain kind of autism and the time of the mother's immigration to Sweden," says principal investigator Cecilia Magnusson, Associate Professor of epidemiology at Karolinska Institutet. "The study is important, as it shows that autism isn't governed only by genetic causes but by environmental factorstoo."
The study, which is published in the scientific periodical The British Journal of Psychiatry shows that children of immigrant parents, particularly from countries of low human development, are disproportionately likely to develop autism with intellectual disability, a connection that appears to be related to the timing of migration rather than complications in childbirth. Children, whose mothers migrated just before or during pregnancy, ran the highest risk of all.
"At this juncture we can but speculate about the causes, but our assumption is that environmental factors impacting on the developing fetus, such as stress, new dietary habits or infections, could lead to the development of autism with intellectual disability," says Dr. Magnusson.
The Big List of S*%# Linked to Autism
- Abortions - (Prior abortions increase risk of autism in subsequent children)
- Air Pollution (Mercury in air pollution = more autism)
- Anti-Depressants (Mom on autism = more autism)
- Birth Weight HIGH (more weight = more autism. Related, see big head.)
- Birth Weight LOW (less weight = more autism)
- Brain size (Bigger brains = more autism)
- Brain Cells (Too many neurons = more autism)
- Cell phones (More cell phones = more autism)
- Clever Parents (Smart parents = more autism)
- Clomid (Clomid = more autism, see IVF)
- Closely Spaced Births (Born soon after sibling = more autism)
- Complications at Birth (Catch all, any complication = more autism)
- Father’s age (older dad = more autism)
- Flame retardant chemical (exposure to flame retardant
BDE-47 linked to autism) - Genetic (squirrely genes = more autism)
- Highways (Mom lives near freeway = autism twice as likely)
- Immigration - (Immigrate to Sweden when women is pregnant = more autism)
- Internet (Increased Internet usage = more autism)
- IVF (Invitro Fertilization) - (IVF = More autism)
- Lead (More lead exposure = more autism)
- Lyme Disease (linked to autism)
- Metabolism (Poor metabolism = more autism)
- Missing DNA (missing DNA in boys = more autism)
- Mother’s age (older mom = more autism)
- Neanderthals (Evolution vaguely linked to autism)
- Pasteurized Milk (Pasteurization = more autism)
- Pesticides (More pesticides = more autism)
- Premature birth (Premature baby = more autism)
- Rainfall (higher precipitation areas = more autism)
- Smoking (Mom smoking during pregnancy = more autism)
- Television (More TV watching = more autism)
- Tylenol (More Tylenol = more autism)
- Vinyl Flooring (House with vinyl flooring = more autism)
- Winter Conception (Mom and Dad get busy in the Winter = more autism)
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