Thursday, March 22, 2012

No S*&% News of the Day: Study Confirms Financial Impact of Autism on Family Income

Stop the presses!  Being Broke Linked to Autism!!!

Study Confirms Financial Impact of Autism - Special Needs -

A brand new study confirms the findings of a preliminary study that was released in 2011. The new study shows that the income of a family that includes a child who has autism is significantly less than the income of families who don't. This is due to a number of factors. 
In 2011, there was a preliminary study that used data that came from a survey done by the United States government's Medical Expenditures Panel. Researchers looked at information about families that included children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), about families who had children with other types of chronic health conditions, (such as asthma, ADHD, or cerebral palsy), and about families that had healthy children.  
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