Monday, October 31, 2011

XBox Kinect for Autism

Business & Technology | As people experiment, they find Kinect is much more than a game | Seattle Times Newspaper

At the Lakeside Center for Autism in Issaquah, three 5-year-olds stand in front of a big screen displaying a river-rafting game. They laugh as they jump or wave their arms, making their on-screen avatars do the same through the use of Kinect motion-sensing technology.

Across the globe, hospitals in Cantabria, Spain, are testing a Kinect application allowing doctors and nurses to wave their arms to pull up patient charts or X-rays.

And Razorfish, a marketing agency that started in Seattle, is experimenting with a retail application using Kinect that would allow shoppers to project their image on a screen to see how various purses they're considering look as they hold them.

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